Have you ever felt like you are right in the middle of the sweet spot? Have you ever felt yourself so immersed in utilizing your God-given gift that you begin to realize that in that very moment you are actually embracing the Divine? I experience this from time to time and none so often as when I am practicing the calling of "High Level Mentoring."
Just last night I was enjoying a quick visit with a wonderful couple I have been coaching for more than a decade. I looked at the clock and realized that I needed to make the short drive home to my farm to have a phone call with another dear friend who I just happen to also be in a mentorsing relationship with as well.
As I was leaving I told this couple how much fun I am anticipating having on this call. I am blessed to have known some real geniuses in my decades of mentoring. The genius comes in a different package and leads various types of lives, but genius none the less. Well this man is a special one and I shared how much fun it is to watch his mindset shift and the his real genius begin to take center stage.
Those of you who know me personally know just how much I love it when I call it right on the money. The day before I had been laughing with another great couple over the fact that I had predicted the meteroric rise in their revenue and when I had done so they had chuckled at me. But today they are chuckling for an entirely different reason. It's not magic, there is no trick, there is no pixie dust. This couple had been tirelessly co-creating, tirelessly pouring greatness into their leaders who are just now finding their footing in the Evolved Economy. And like scent of rain in the air that my lovely wife can so succeinctly detect, I have a nose for the fullness of time in a leader's life and mission.
I was right about the call. My friend shared interaction after interaction that demonstrated to me just how definitively he was exercising his Divine giftedness. He was sharing conversation after conversation that exposed his greatness in touching lives with a surety and confidence that inspired others to act similarly. And then he shared the moment I love. The moment when the spiritually minded begin to realize that living into your greatness and using your giftedness in service is well, holy.
The Scriptures tell us that everything we do has the possibility of experiencing the Divine. It happens when the finely created instrument realizes that he is not the result of randoms actions but instead the intense focus of a Master Craftsman. And when we are utilizing our greatness without embarrassment or false humility we a in an act of worship, and if we quiet our hearts enough, we can hear heaven signing harmony to our melody.
You see our worship is a type of the Evolved Economy as well. It requires mo spire or stained glass windows. It needs no invocational prayer or anthem hymn. It only requires us being aware what the wonderful gift we have been awarded in stewardship to the Divine allows us to experience our Eternal Significance.
And as my friend shared his "cathedral experience" of realzing the significance of what he was witnessing in his own life, I had mine. Knowing that this fragile and faulty road quide had successfully given the right directions to assist another pilgim in finding his way home . I was in worship, I was feeling like something sacred was being shared and I had been given the privilege of being a witness to it all.
I don't what life you're living, but I know. And I am in gratitude to be a worship leader in the Evolved Economy!
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