Monday, April 8, 2013

Two Measured Ingredients for 
a Truly Evolved Economy

The concept of an Evolved Economy is a relatively new one. Most people are never fully introduced to a real one. Ignorance, gullibility or poor explanations often get in the way of a leader getting an accurate definition or description of the Evolved Economy. Let me help with two essential ingredients. Time and Money.

Time is more precious than money for most leaders today. An Evolved Economy attempt is most often something added to an already strained time frame. So if the opportunity that you are being offered feels more like a second job than an informed decision, well, it probably isn't an Evolved Economy. 

In the Evolved Economy you can build in the nooks and crannies of your life. You will sacrifice your attention to prime time TV but that's what TVO is for. You will invest a weekend day each month but you have some to spare as you re-align your priorities. But you should still date your spouse and attend your children's sporting events. The Evolved Economy is designed to mold to your strengths it will make the move with you.

In the Evolved Economy you also should have a very small outlay of money. A large financial risk is not congruent with the Evolved Economy model. If someone is expecting you to raid the education fund to get the placement of a lifetime, run away and lose their phone number. 

Be choosy which Evolved Economy gets your attention, your wisdom, your experience and your greatness. But choose one. Revenue streams need to be introduced into your financial blueprint for your life and the financial legacy for your family. But choose one that sets appropriate boundaries on your time and your money, because if it doesn't, it's a traditional economy in sheep's clothing. 

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