Tuesday, April 23, 2013

 No this isn't my age, it is a goal. I am 48 today and I choose to aim for a 95th Birthmonth. I intend to take my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc, and all my friends who have been transforming the Third World with me over the 55 years I will have been serving by then. I want to blow out a candle and eat chocolate cake in every village.  I hope it takes more than a month.
You see in the Evolved Economy we don't spend much time reminiscing about what we have done because we are too invested in what we are doing. This means lifting up your eyes to look beyond today's struggle to see tomorrow's victories. It means seeing possibilities through a Divine perspective.  It means welcoming in others to offer their greatness to ours and together accomplish so much more.
I am the CEO of my own life in the Evolved Economy and I am making choices today that will allow my tomorrow's to produce the fulfillment of our dreams.

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