Saturday, July 13, 2013

Setting outlandish intentions or life stretching goals is an activity avoided by most people for a simple reason: Goals, Intentions, 90 Day Action Plans, all seem to be presenting the individual with a problem that needs solving, and life just doesn't need any more problems.

Some of us avoid solving relational problems because, its a problem and problems need to be avoided.
Some of us fail to stretch to our potential because stretching causes discomfort and pain and well that's a problem, and problems need to be avoided.
Some of us avoid building new positive relationships because new stuff causes fear and fear is a problem and problems need to be avoided.

NEWS FLASH: Successful people see problems as an opportunity to shine, an opportunity to monetize a great new idea, an opportunity to posture oneself as a source of ingenuity. 

Problems aren't a problem they are an opportunity to monetize a solution and thereby introduce a new revenue stream!

So we have to decide whether we are avoiders or embracers?
Are we frozen with indecision or are we energized with ingenuity?
Are we settling for the safest low return on life or chasing the best chance we have to re-invent the world's perception of our amazingness?

It's a choice.  Leaders choose. What will you do?

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Power of Mentoring

Russel Crowe plays the natural father of Superman in the latest offering in the movies today. He told the story of his unknown influence on the life of the star of the movie, Henry Cavill. More than 13 years previous to filming this movie Russel was filming Proof of Life in England. In one scene he was saying goodbye to his son who was attending a private boarding school.  In the background to the scene there was a small group of young men playing soccer. One young man stood out as more invested in the scene as an extra and after the filming was completed he asked Russel some simple questions about the life of the career actor. Russel took a few brief moments and answered him frankly. It was just a moment in time but one that was well spent on the young man.
After the film was completed Russel was sending off a thank you package to the young man who played his son and in doing so remembered the young man who had asked the few questions. He also sent him some thank you gifts and a short note of encouragement  And with that Russel forgot the exchange all together. 
Fast forward to 3 months working his excess weight off in a gym and Russel sees a full grown man working equally hard to sculpt his body into that of the man of steel. He looked familiar but the name didn't ring a bell and obviously the intervening 13 years had radically changed the appearance of Henry Cavill. It wasn't until they were finished their conditioning and were to begin acting that Henry broached the subject and ask Russel if he had remembered giving some frank advice to an aspiring young actor. He did remember and was surprised to see the impact of a kind word and a thoughtful gesture.
In the Evolved Economy a kind word and thoughtful gesture are the main fuel of influence in shaping aspiring leaders into being exceptional leaders. You are shaping your future revenue as you are shaping these lives as well.  
Are there two leaders in your business that you are offering kind words and thoughtful gestures? 
Are there two leaders in your business that know that you are cheering them on to further greatness? 
Are there two leaders in your business that you committed to predicting a preferable future for their businesses?
In a truly Evolved Economy you are always reimbursed for being an exceptional mentor. If your business restricts the revenue benefits of investing in mentoring, it is not an Evolved Economy, keep looking. Take time this week to choose two leaders who you will re-invent their perception of success. And begin making your own super man or woman for your business.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Swinging for the Fence!
Life is short and full of opportunities or troubles, it all depends on your perspective. People who have audacious intentions leading their way see life full of opportunities and the troubles are challenges with an opportunity to follow.

If your intentions are nothing but puny bunts life will always appear too much. If your intentions stretch your imagination, faith and inner possibilities life becomes a breeze.

Are you swinging for the fence?
Does your life appear to be an adventure to those who are watching you?
Do you know that so many others are watching you and either learning life giving lessons or life stealing lessons.

Put something outrageous on your vision board today.
Set an outstanding intention and then tell two people who love you.
Swing for then fence, if you strike out, strike out swinging, not with the bat on your shoulder, too timid to try and risk failure.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

This Science is Blessing or Cursing Your Business,
You Get To Choose

Just like integrity, momentum is not a touchy feely term, it is a fact of science. I see more leaders make mistakes in this area than really any other. 

The Evolved Economy doesn't need your money or a lot of your time ,but it does require your attention and your energy. There does come a time when it requires less but that time is a lot further down the road than most expect. So the mistake commonly made is for leaders to let their foot off the gas too soon. They begin to only manage other folks' businesses and not their own. They expect everyone else to be an enroller except themselves. They leave behind the simple building blocks that brought them there and they move on to loftier matters.


Momentum is the result of the mass of your team multiplied by the velocity of it's growth. I know you think you can measure the mass of your team but are you measuring accurately?

The mass of your team is not how many folks have their name attached to your organization. 

"The mass of your team is the accumulation of people who are adopting and implementing the values you have set out for your business." 

They are offering the sale level of customer service. Their image of the future is starkly similar to your own. They are owning their business is the same way you were one or two years ago. They are a number of burgeoning leaders blossoming in your downline. This is the true mass of your team.

If you don't have these yet, your mass is just you. Therefore your team momentum is solely tied to your activity and nothing else. This is not the time to reduce the amount of energy your business receives, it is time to "Put the Hammer Down."

Hammer Down Activities:
Enrolling- start leading your team again as a key enroller
Duplication- start or continue to duplicate necessary business activities in other folks business centers.
Mentoring-take aside those who aspire to lead and 
1. show them how, 
2. implement it with them 
3. and hold them to a high standard. 
(Do all three of you want to see momentum)

Do you have momentum in your business? Good, don't lose it. No, well let's get some by taking action!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Have you ever felt like you are right in the middle of the sweet spot? Have you ever felt yourself so immersed in utilizing your God-given gift that you begin to realize that in that very moment you are actually embracing the Divine? I experience this from time to time and none so often as when I am practicing the calling of "High Level Mentoring."

Just last night I was enjoying a quick visit with a wonderful couple I have been coaching for more than a decade. I looked at the clock and realized that I needed to make the short drive home to my farm to have a phone call with another dear friend who I just happen to also be in a mentorsing relationship with as well.

As I was leaving I told this couple how much fun I am anticipating having on this call. I am blessed to have known some real geniuses in my decades of mentoring. The genius comes in a different package and leads various types of lives, but genius none the less. Well this man is a special one and I shared how much fun it is to watch his mindset shift and the his real genius begin to take center stage.

Those of you who know me personally know just how much I love it when I call it right on the money. The day before I had been laughing with another great couple over the fact that I had predicted the meteroric rise in their revenue and when I had done so they had chuckled at me. But today they are chuckling for an entirely different reason. It's not magic, there is no trick, there is no pixie dust. This couple had been tirelessly co-creating, tirelessly pouring greatness into their leaders who are just now finding their footing in the Evolved Economy. And like scent of rain in the air that my lovely wife can so succeinctly detect, I have a nose for the fullness of time in a leader's life and mission.

I was right about the call. My friend shared interaction after interaction that demonstrated to me just how definitively he was exercising his Divine giftedness. He was sharing conversation after conversation that exposed his greatness in touching lives with a surety and confidence that inspired others to act similarly. And then he shared the moment I love. The moment when the spiritually minded begin to realize that living into your greatness and using your giftedness in service is well, holy.

The Scriptures tell us that everything we do has the possibility of experiencing the Divine. It happens when the finely created instrument realizes that he is not the result of randoms actions but instead the intense focus of a Master Craftsman. And when we are utilizing our greatness without embarrassment or false humility we a in an act of worship, and if we quiet our hearts enough, we can hear heaven signing harmony to our melody.

You see our worship is a type of the Evolved Economy as well. It requires mo spire or stained glass windows. It needs no invocational prayer or anthem hymn. It only requires us being aware what the wonderful gift we have been awarded in stewardship to the Divine allows us to experience our Eternal Significance.

And as my friend shared his "cathedral experience" of realzing the significance of what he was witnessing in his own life, I had mine. Knowing that this fragile and faulty road quide had successfully given the right directions to assist another pilgim in finding his way home . I was in worship, I was feeling like something sacred was being shared and I had been given the privilege of being a witness to it all.

I don't what life you're living, but I know. And I am in gratitude to be a worship leader in the Evolved Economy!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Yes, It's True, "You Can't Push a Rope."

So many of us struggle with having our emotions leading the way in our life and our business.  It is debilitating. It takes us out of out power and strengths and can halt all the momentum from our team.  It doesn't have to be that way.  We can manage our emotions but we have to know how.

We can't manage or shift our emotions by just forcing a different emotion on our self. Our emotions are best shifted by taking action. A friend of mine just this past week had a challenging conversation that previously would have put her in a slump. But instead she took action. She called up a old friend who had said she was interested in being in the Evolved Economy. She made the lunch date and was excited and encouraged. Her actions shifted her emotions. Actions can shift our emotions but emotions can't shift emotions. 

Some of us try to even shift our actions with our emotions. This is like trying to push a rope.

Actions are connected to our emotions but with a rope. Actions can pull our emotions along but EMOTIONS CANNOT PUSH OUR ACTIONS! You can't push a rope! 

So if you don't like how you feel, take a action that will transform you feelings.

Monday, April 29, 2013


After coaching successful leaders in the Evolved Economy this many years there are some choice words of wisdom that I feel sometimes like I just need it on a recorded loop. That's because too many times the needed advice is simple, but essential.

You see when the sun comes up the farmer milks the cows. When the sun goes down, yes, you guessed it, you milk the cows. There is no substitution for consistency and deliberate, hard, and focused work. Moods, inconsistent leaders, revenue swings, all these things tempt the Evolved Economy leader to give up hope. With hope lost so will leave the needed investment of empowered actions to produce your passive revenue stream.


If your head is in the right place, then, 

In the next 12 hour the sun will either be coming up or going down or both, will you be doing what you should be doing to advance your own Evolved Economy? Yep, it's time to milk the cows!