The Power of Mentoring
Russel Crowe plays the natural father of Superman in the latest offering in the movies today. He told the story of his unknown influence on the life of the star of the movie, Henry Cavill. More than 13 years previous to filming this movie Russel was filming Proof of Life in England. In one scene he was saying goodbye to his son who was attending a private boarding school. In the background to the scene there was a small group of young men playing soccer. One young man stood out as more invested in the scene as an extra and after the filming was completed he asked Russel some simple questions about the life of the career actor. Russel took a few brief moments and answered him frankly. It was just a moment in time but one that was well spent on the young man.
After the film was completed Russel was sending off a thank you package to the young man who played his son and in doing so remembered the young man who had asked the few questions. He also sent him some thank you gifts and a short note of encouragement And with that Russel forgot the exchange all together.
Fast forward to 3 months working his excess weight off in a gym and Russel sees a full grown man working equally hard to sculpt his body into that of the man of steel. He looked familiar but the name didn't ring a bell and obviously the intervening 13 years had radically changed the appearance of Henry Cavill. It wasn't until they were finished their conditioning and were to begin acting that Henry broached the subject and ask Russel if he had remembered giving some frank advice to an aspiring young actor. He did remember and was surprised to see the impact of a kind word and a thoughtful gesture.
In the Evolved Economy a kind word and thoughtful gesture are the main fuel of influence in shaping aspiring leaders into being exceptional leaders. You are shaping your future revenue as you are shaping these lives as well.
Are there two leaders in your business that you are offering kind words and thoughtful gestures?
Are there two leaders in your business that know that you are cheering them on to further greatness?
Are there two leaders in your business that you committed to predicting a preferable future for their businesses?
In a truly Evolved Economy you are always reimbursed for being an exceptional mentor. If your business restricts the revenue benefits of investing in mentoring, it is not an Evolved Economy, keep looking. Take time this week to choose two leaders who you will re-invent their perception of success. And begin making your own super man or woman for your business.